
Us three kept playing, still having no idea where Paul and the others went. I tried, but couldn’t get the words she said, out of my head. To make matters worse, she kept finding ways to grind her ass, graze her hand, thigh or body on my business. Finally, she says ‘I’m going to bed Jeremy,(assuming she let it go) if Paul comes back before you leave, let him know.’ I said ok, and off she went.A short time later, nature was calling for me. As I walked down the hall about. I mentioned your wish to see me being fucked by another man to Tracey and after chatting it over we came up with an idea. She would arrange for her boyfriend, his name’s Jamie by the way, to fuck me and I’d get you to fuck her. That way we know what and who we are dealing with. We thought it would be better to do this away from home so we arranged to book this holiday together. So you see sweetie, I didn’t just pick up a stranger. It’s all been planned. We just need to get you to fuck Tracey. I simply wasn't."Do you want me to fuck you, slut?" No!" Liar!" Dave laughed. "Hold your legs like that and don't let go, no matter what, or you'll be really sorry."Dave positioned himself below me, slowly taking in the sight of my open cunt and asshole. He sucked his finger and started teasing my ass. I gasped as he slid his finger inside. He hooked it and slid it out and I gasped in pain."Remember that, sister whore... You will be begging me or I'll **** your virgin ass."He laughed as he saw. I'll send him naughty texts and voice messages all day leading up to him leaving work, my aim is to get him really worked up, describing in detail how wet I am and how much I would love him to use me as his personal stress relief when he gets home. I want to get him to that point of horny where when he gets home all he wants to do is grab my hair and fuck my throat until I pass out.When he tells me he's left work and is on his way I start getting ready. I'll make sure to clean out so daddy can.
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